
  • FAIRagro at the DAFA conference in Potsdam

    The DAFA Conference “Agricultural Research in Climate Change” took place in Potsdam from March 11 to 14, 2024. Over 550 participants exchanged ideas and information on the current state of science on key topics in the field of agriculture in climate change. In 90 poster presentations and over 100 lectures, it was shown which effects…

  • FAIRagro was part of the NFDI-Talk on February 19

    On Monday, February 19, 2024, the topic “PID4NFDI – Example Use Cases and Services for NFD” took place as part of the “NFDI Talks” event series. Persistent identifiers (PIDs) are of central importance for FAIR research data management. However, different disciplines and different resources lead to different requirements. PID4NFDI is designing a work program to…

  • Upcoming Event: BrAPI Hackathon

    The upcoming BrAPI Hackathon will be in Wittenberg, Germany, the week of April 15-19 This is a reminder for everyone who is considering attending the upcoming hackathon: please register and begin planning projects. What is BrAPI? The Breeding API (BrAPI) project is an effort to enable interoperability among plant breeding databases. BrAPI is a standardized…

  • Well attended and informative: FAIRagro RDM training on January 15 and 18, 2024

    “Handling and organizing plant phenotyping data – a workshop on Research Data Management” Together with PhenoRob, FAIRagro successfully conducted the pilot training on research data management of plant phenotyping data! Part 1 on 15.1.2024: With a colorful and active group of six PhD students from PhenoRob and six external participants from various German and international…

  • Workshop: Managing your (research) data – with a focus on land use, environment and geodata

    Share your needs & challenges and get tips & tools along the data life cycle Date: 13.02.2024 14:00-15:30 (1 ½ h), Location: Uni Potsdam, Obere Mensa am Neuen Palais Responsible FAIRagro: Anne Sennhenn, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB); Marcus Schmidt, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) Managing, finding, sharing, reusing, ……

  • Training: Maximizing the Potential of Agricultural Research Data

    A Guide to Crafting an Effective Data Management Plan – February 15th, 2024 9.00a.m. to 1.00 p.m. – online Educators: de.NBI: Helena Schnitzer, Daniel Wibberg (CAU) | FAIRagro: Sophie Boße (ZB MED), Elena Rey Mazón (IPK), Wahib Sahwan (ZALF) Have you ever wondered what research data management is all about? Why is it so important?…

  • February 23, 2024: FAIRagro at the GPW Young Scientists Colloquium

    The Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e.V. (GPW) is a participant in FAIRagro – and one of its basic concerns is to support young scientists. A new working group is to facilitate the entry of prospective PhD students and post-docs into a career in crop science. In addition to organizing and conducting young scientists’ academies on how…

  • FAIRagro at the 2nd BioHackathon Germany

    After last year’s great success, the 2nd BioHackathon Germany, organized by the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI), will take place in Bielefeld from December 11-15, 2023. Among the 11 selected projects from the fields of bioinformatics, life sciences and data management, the project “Increasing FAIRness in agrosystem sciences and plant phenomics” is also an…

  • Workshop: What shall we do with our agricultural research data? – 1001 reasons for a Data Management Plan

    Update: The workshop is fully booked – We are already intensively looking for a repeat date. When and where is the workshop? Sorry, the workshop is fully booked! Who is this workshop for? Everyone who is working with data from the agrosystem science and is interested in gaining skills in research data management and writing…

  • FAIRAgro TA3/TA4-DataPLANT workshop

    The DataPLANT and FAIRagro consortia are planning a joint workshop that will take place as a side event to the FAIRagro Kickoff Meeting on September 26, 2023, also at the Quadriga Forum. The workshop aims to advance harmonization of work from FAIRagro Task Areas TA3 and TA4 in the area of FAIR Digital Objects and…

  • Virtual FAIRagro Plenary Meeting April 2023

    On April 26th, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., the consortium met in a first FAIRagro Plenary. AGENDA  9:00 – 9:10 Welcome Moderation: James Michael Anderson  9:10 – 9:25 TOP 1: General introduction of FAIRagro and overview of current activities. Frank Ewert, Xenia Specka  9:25 – 9:30 questions & discussion  9:30 – 10:15 TOP 2: …

  • FAIRagro Community Workshop on 1st December 2022

    On December 1, from 13-14:30, the third virtual information workshop was held on the topic: “Information and participation opportunities – what form of consultation is available and how can I participate?” In this series, we provided information about the ambitions and cornerstones of FAIRagro and exchanged ideas with you, as representatives of our community. In…