The upcoming BrAPI Hackathon will be in Wittenberg, Germany, the week of April 15-19

This is a reminder for everyone who is considering attending the upcoming hackathon: please register and begin planning projects.
What is BrAPI? The Breeding API (BrAPI) project is an effort to enable interoperability among plant breeding databases. BrAPI is a standardized RESTful web service API specification for communicating plant breeding data. This community driven standard is free to be used by anyone interested in plant breeding data management. BrAPI is one of the standards mentioned in FAIRagro for interfacing data infrastructures.
The hackathon is co-organized by Cornel University and IPK and is open to anyone to attend, as long as they work on something BrAPI related. These events are one of the best ways for the community to grow.
Please send an invitation out to your own professional networks. Perhaps a note to some colleagues, or an announcement on a mailing list you are a part of. Everything helps get the word out and in front of people who would be interested in joining our community.
More info on the BrAPI Project and the hackathon can be found here