The FAIRagro Community Advisory Board (CAB)

FAIRagro is a community-driven initiative and pursues a variety of approaches to involve the community in the further development of a FAIR data future in agrosystems research and to work together with its diverse stakeholders. A key component of this is the Community Advisory Board (CAB). It assumes a valuable strategic and advisory function by evaluating the status and progress of FAIRagro and formulating recommendations for the design and further development of services and infrastructures on the way to a FAIR research data future in agrosystems. research.

The members

In the run-up to this year’s FAIRagro Community Summit on 17 June 2024, the Community Advisory Board was elected for the first time. We have succeeded in recruiting nine renowned scientists and data experts. Further information can be found by clicking on the individual members or by clicking on the “More about the members” button.

Gerrit Hoogenboom Portrait

Prof. Dr. Gerrit Hoogenboom 

University of Florida

Dr. Medha Devare 

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

Prof. Dr. Mark Wilkinson

Technical University of Madrid

Dr. Willem Jan Knibbe

Wageningen Data Competence Center

Clement Jonquet Portrait

Prof. Dr. Clement Jonquet 

French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE)
University of Montpellier 

Dr. Pierre Martre

Dr. Pierre Martre

French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE)

Dr. Imma Subirats 

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dr. Henning Müller

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI)
Agrotech Valley e.V.
Hof Fleming

Dr. Steffen Kawelke 

Gemeinschaft zur Förderung von Pflanzeninnovation e. V.

How is the CAB set up?

The CAB consists of a spokesperson and eight community representatives, making a total of nine members. The aim is to attract experts and key players from science, politics, business and society who are relevant to FAIRagro and to unite a representative composition of the various national and international perspectives and interest groups.

The members of the CAB should fulfill the following criteria as far as possible:

  • Recognized experts with national and international reputations in the fields of science, politics, business and society.
  • Representing diverse perspectives and stakeholders within the agricultural systems, information technology, data science and research data management communities.
  • Competence in the disciplines, scientific methods and research approaches relevant to FAIRagro.
  • Connection to (inter)national networks, initiatives, institutions and projects that are relevant to FAIRagro’s mission.

The CAB is elected for 2 years at a time. The first period starts in spring 2024 and ends in spring 2026.

Which tasks does the CAB take on?

The CAB assumes a valuable strategic and advisory function: it reviews the status and progress of FAIRagro and formulates recommendations for the design and further development of services and infrastructures on the way to a FAIR research data future in agrosystems research.

In addition, the CAB strengthens international networking with various interest groups from science, society, politics and business.

Specifically, the CAB also reviews use case (UC) applications and makes recommendations to the Steering Committee for the selection of future UCs.

To this end, it is planned that the members of the CAB will meet at least once a year and prepare an evaluation report including a list of recommendations.

How are CAB Members nominated for election?

Who can become a candidate for the CAB?

All experts and key players from science, politics, business and society who are relevant to FAIRagro can be nominated as candidates, including both national and international players.

Nominated candidates must not already be part of FAIRagro. All FAIRagro employees, Principle Investigators (PIs), Task Area (TA) leaders, spokespersons and all employees of FAIRagro Co-Applicant and Participant institutions are excluded from nomination.

In addition, CAB candidates should belong to one of the following CAB categories or interest groups:

  • Science, Agrosystems Research,
  • Science, data science and research data management as well as
  • Society, politics and business, areas relevant to FAIRagro.

Further information for CAB candidates can be found here.

Who can nominate candidates for the CAB?

The entire FAIRagro community is invited to propose CAB candidates. This also includes all employees of FAIRagro Co-Applicants and Participants.

When and how can candidates be nominated for the CAB?

Nominations can be submitted online prior to the election. Nomination period for the election of the 1st FAIRagro CAB has already expired.

How are the members of the CAB elected?

Who can elect the members of the CAB?

FAIRagro Community Representatives are eligible to vote. Community Representatives are members of the community who register for the FAIRagro Community Summit and are not part of the FAIRagro Plenary itself.

The FAIRagro Plenary is made up of all FAIRagro employees, Principle Investigators (PIs), Task Area (TA) Leaders and Speakers. This group of people is excluded from participation in the election.

During registration for the Community Summit (taking place on 17th June 2024 in Berlin), a distinction is made between eligible Community Representatives and members of the FAIRagro Plenary.

When and how is the CAB election conducted?

Community Representatives receive access to the CAB election when they register for the Community Summit and can therefore take part in the election online once.

Registration for the Community Summit will open in March and promoted in our newsletter and here on

The CAB members elected by the Community Representatives will be presented at the Community Summit and the information on this website ( will be updated accordingly.

Any questions? We are happy to help you! Please e-mail to: