Help needed with Research Data Management? Our Data Stewards are here for you!
Our Data Steward Team offers you – as a part of the agricultural research community – support for all your questions concerning research data management. We are there for you: in each phase of the data lifecycle – from research and the creation of a data management plan to the publication of your data. This…
“FAIRagro gives us new impulse”
NFDI-Director Prof. York Sure-Vetter is talking in the latest “IPK-Journal” about FAIRagro, the goals of the consortium and the benefits for the partners. In the current “IPK-Journal”, published by the Leibniz-Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, NFDI-Director Prof. York Sure-Vetter is talking in an extensive interview about the continuously growing importance of data…
Exciting Jobs at FAIRagro!
Check it out regularly : our latest job offers – very soon with new openings!
New presentation from the FAIRagro plenary
New presentation published: “FAIRagro Task Areas and their collaboration with Use Case 3” During the FAIRagro Plenary on April 26, 2023, the authors of this presentation discussed the goals and current work of the respective Task Areas. Special consideration was given to Use Case 3 (“Streamlining pest and disease data to advance integrated pest management”),…
FAIRagro at PhenoRob Career Fair
On Monday, May 8 2023, the PhenoRob Career Fair took place at the Bonn University Club – FAIRagro was part of it. “PhenoRob – Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production” is a Cluster of Excellence of the University of Bonn and the Science Research Center at Juelich. It is researching methods and new technologies…
Successful first meeting after project start in FAIRagro Plenary
On April 26, the first virtual Virtual FAIRagro Plenary Meeting April 2023 meeting after the project start in March 2023 took place. All co-spokespersons, TA- and Measure Leads, participants and already hired project staff were invited. Approximately 55 people from 23 participating institutions attended the meeting. At the beginning, Frank Ewert and Xenia Specka reported on…
Virtual FAIRagro Plenary Meeting April 2023
On April 26th, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., the consortium met in a first FAIRagro Plenary. AGENDA 9:00 – 9:10 Welcome Moderation: James Michael Anderson 9:10 – 9:25 TOP 1: General introduction of FAIRagro and overview of current activities. Frank Ewert, Xenia Specka 9:25 – 9:30 questions & discussion 9:30 – 10:15 TOP 2: …
Community survey published in PLoS ONE
New and sustainable methods of research data management (RDM) are needed to meet the future challenges in agricultural sciences and to promote integrated and holistic research approaches. The involvement of scientific users is a crucial success factor for their development. We conducted an online survey in 2020 among different user groups in agricultural sciences about…
FAIRagro at the status seminar of PLANT2030
Matthias Lange and Daniel Arend from the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), and Björn Usadel from the Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) presented our consortium at the PLANT2030 status seminar. Many plant researchers showed interest in FAIRagro and exciting discussions took place.
Project start and kick-off for the FAIRagro project
This March is the official project launch for the FAIRagro consortium (2023-2028). FAIRagro consists of about 30 agricultural research institutions in Germany and is coordinated by ZALF. As part of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), the consortium will improve the framework for cross-institutional and cross-scale research. Important tasks and goals include support and advice…
FAIRagro article in Informatik Spektrum published
A general FAIRagro article was published in Informatik Spektrum. This article presents the FAIRagro consortium in general and its objectives. Specka, X., Martini, D., Weiland, C. et al. FAIRagro: Ein Konsortium in der Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) für Forschungsdaten in der Agrosystemforschung. Informatik Spektrum (2023).
FAIRagro proposal published at Zenodo
We have published our FAIRagro proposal, as submitted to DFG in 2021, on Zenodo. It can be accessed under DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7528172.