
  • Dr. Gritta Schrader (JKI)

    Dr. Gritta Schrader (JKI)

    I prepare and coordinate statutory plant health risk analyses at the Julius Kühn Institute for National and International Plant Health. An important topic of my research is the assessment of the risk of introduction and spread, the pest potential and the impact of plant pests including invasive alien species on plant health and biodiversity. The…

  • Prof. Dr. Jens Karl Wegener (JKI)

    Prof. Dr. Jens Karl Wegener (JKI)

    The current challenges in agriculture can probably only be overcome with overall systemically oriented solutions. With Spot Farming, the JKI has developed a new crop production concept that shows what future sustainably intensified crop production could look like, taking social and ecological concerns into account. In order to turn Spot Farming from a concept into…

  • Dr. Sabine Seidel (Uni Bonn)

    Dr. Sabine Seidel (Uni Bonn)

    I work at the University of Bonn as the head of a junior research group in the DFG Cluster of Excellence PhenoRob and am involved in field trials on, among other things, mixtures, resource efficiency and ecosystem services. I am also involved in the Dikopshof continuous fertilization trial. In this respect, I have links to…

  • Dr. Einar Eberhardt (BGR)

    Dr. Einar Eberhardt (BGR)

    FAIRagro is an exciting initiative that represents a tremendous opportunity for agrosystems research. Soils and their data are not only a window into agricultural use over the past 10000 years, but they are also urgently needed to guide and improve future use. Soil data, the basis of many groundbreaking academic studies, have been collected and…

  • Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kögel-Knabner (TUM)

    Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kögel-Knabner (TUM)

    Soil is an important production factor in agriculture and is under strong pressure. We have the ability to affect the various soil functions such as storage, filtering, habitat and the impact of soil on climate change. At my institution, we study soil organic matter using the most advanced methodologies. In doing so, we generate excellent…

  • Prof. Dr. Annette Prochnow (ATB)

    Prof. Dr. Annette Prochnow (ATB)

    As the coordinating institution of the Leibniz Innovation Farm for Sustainable Bioeconomy which is being implemented as an interdisciplinary research infrastructure on a practical agricultural farm, we at ATB are really looking forward to applying the solutions which will be set forth by the FAIRagro consortium: FAIRagro is addressing challenges that all research institutions in…

  • Workshop: What shall we do with our agricultural research data? – 1001 reasons for a Data Management Plan

    Update: The workshop is fully booked – We are already intensively looking for a repeat date. When and where is the workshop? Sorry, the workshop is fully booked! Who is this workshop for? Everyone who is working with data from the agrosystem science and is interested in gaining skills in research data management and writing…

  • The results of the election to our new Steering Committee

    The scheduled election for the FAIRagro Steering Committee (election period: two years) took place from September 15-22. According to the FAIRagro Governance, four representatives (plus substitutes) were elected by the participating institutions from the following groups: – 2 persons from the group of our Participants, – 1 person from the group of co-applicants and –…

  • FAIRagro at the 63rd Conference for Plant Protection

    From September 26 to 29, the 63rd German Plant Protection Conference took place in Göttingen – FAIRagro was there with an information booth. More than 800 participants were registered for the “German Plant Protection Confernece” (Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung) for four days on the campus of the Georg-August-University in Göttingen – with a total of 370 exciting…

  • FAIRagro Kickoff and Onboarding on 25. 9.

    On September 25, the long-awaited joint kickoff meeting / onboarding finally took place in Berlin. Starting at 10 a.m., everyone was able to get to know each other personally at Quadriga Media’s offices at Werderscher Markt in the heart of Berlin. In addition to entertaining rounds of introductions, during which there was much laughter, it…

  • We attented the CoRDI Conference

    From 12 to 14 September 2023 the first issue of CoRDI – Conference on Research Data Infrastructure – took place in Kalrsruhe, organized by NFDI e.V. in cooperation with Karlsruhe Institute of Technolgy (KIT). Under the theme “Connecting Communities” the conference did focus on establishing interdisciplinary research data management (RDM). Research data form the basis…

  • FAIRAgro TA3/TA4-DataPLANT workshop

    The DataPLANT and FAIRagro consortia are planning a joint workshop that will take place as a side event to the FAIRagro Kickoff Meeting on September 26, 2023, also at the Quadriga Forum. The workshop aims to advance harmonization of work from FAIRagro Task Areas TA3 and TA4 in the area of FAIR Digital Objects and…