
  • This was the first FAIRagro Community Summit

    It took place on Monday 17 June and Tuesday 18 June – the first Community Summit. More than 120 interested people from the large FAIRagro community came to Berlin-Mitte to learn about the FAIRagro consortium and the progress made last year and this year, to get to know the FAIRagro services and to exchange ideas…

  • First Workshop of DBG-AG Bodensensorik and FAIRagro

    The Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft (DBG) and FAIRagro cordially invite all interested parties to the first workshop of the DBG Soil Sensors and Pedometry Working Group: “Input data for the large-scale prediction of soil properties”. What is it about? The workshop will take place at the Julius Kühn Institute, Erwin-Baur-Strasse 27 in 06484 Quedlinburg, on 18…

  • Intensive Workshop on the quality of Geodata

    Two days of exciting dialogue on the topic of data quality Last week, FAIRagro researchers and external guests came together in Braunschweig at the Julius Kühn Institute site to discuss topics relating to data quality such as data management, the use of standards and the application of the FAIR principles. The aim of the workshop…

  • Use Case 5: Where are we and what’s next?

    Sustainable crop production requires knowledge of the structural and functional status of plants in the field in order to plan and implement precise measures. Although significant progress has been made in sensor technology, machine learning and autonomous robotics in recent years, we are still at the beginning. In Use Case 5 “Non-invasive phenotyping with autonomous…

  • FAIRagro at the summer conference of GFPI

    From 16 to 17 May, the Gemeinschaft zur Förderung von Pflanzeninnovation e. V. (GFPI) hosted the annual summer conference of the Plant Innovation Department at the IPK in Gatersleben. Over two days, around 50 representatives from science and breeding companies discussed data ecosystems. The focus was on the presentation of infrastructure programmes and possible opportunities…

  • Introduction to RDM at Uni Kassel

    On 14 May 2024, FAIRagro and the Research Data Service of the University of Kassel gave a two-hour introduction to research data management of agricultural data. A total of 25 researchers from Faculty 11 of the University of Kassel – from deans to PhD students – followed our quick ride through the many topics of…

  • Knock Knock: who’s there? – The Reform Of The Genetic Engineering Laws?

    Genetic engineering. For some it’s the sleep paralysis demon, for others the holy grail. Granted, it’s not as dramatic. However, the gene scissor is not the only one separating. The topic is discussed heatedly across politicians, scientists and consumer advocates, and not just nationally. Only recently the pot has been stirred again by the decision…

  • FAIRagro at the Data Dialogue Workshop

    On 22 April 2024, Florian and Jannes represented FAIRagro at the Data Dialogue Workshop in Braunschweig: The event for young scientists was organised by RDM4Braunschweig. The two of them each had a poster about our DSSC and the helpdesk as well as on the topic of data quality and were pleased with the many lively…

  • Workshop “Legal Status Quo”

    These were the topics on 10.4. and 11.4. in Frankfurt: Your institution runs a repository and you would like to know what legal issues, problems or obstacles may arise in data management and re-use?Are you the author of a scientific paper or a dataset and wondering whether and how you should or can license it?…

  • Copyright as the final boss

    Friend or foe for scientists? Our first Legal Workshop earlier this week was a full success! Since there have been lively discussions around the presented topics regarding the German copyright, I want to use this legal column again to dive into the deep sea of the German copyright law and the data licenses. German copyright:…

  • Exciting Job Offer: Postdoc at ZALF

    The Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e. V. in Müncheberg is a member of the Leibniz Association. The Research Platform Data Analysis & Simulation is offering a 3.5-year postdoc position as part of FAIRagro. This position will support the development of RDM solutions for agroecosystem research from field to landscape and larger scales.…

  • Announcement: FAIRagro Use Case Call 2024

    We are happy to announce that we are currently preparing the 1st FAIRagro Use Case Call to expand our current 6 Use Cases. The preliminary schedule is as follows: We strongly encourage all interested parties to attend the FAIRagro Community Summit, taking place on 17 and 18 June in Berlin, to gain insights into the…