
  • We love trust – but we prefer certainty of evidence

    Why I should put agreements around field experiments in writing. I am standing on a field with the farmer. The rain is pouring down, it’s freezing cold. I explained to him, what kind of measurements I want to collect in the soil of his field and why. I also explained, that the results will be…

  • The DSSC is a “success story” within NFDI

    With the help of its consortia, the NFDI Association has compiled and published a collection of success stories. The success stories are intended to help make our work more tangible and give visitors a better idea. FAIRagro is involved with the Data Steward Service Center (DSSC) and the Helpdesk. Data Steward Service Center (DSSC) The…

  • FAIRagro at the Love Data Week in Potsdam

    The “Love Data Week” took place in Potsdam from the 12th to the 16th of February under the motto “My Kind of Data”. Numerous national and international organizations, including many of the consortia organized in the NFDI, offered exciting information events in various formats such as coffee lectures, training courses and podcasts – both online…

  • Pseudonymous, anonymous – what is it and what are the consequences?

    Discussion of the Verdict of the EuG from 26.04.2023, T-557/20 Let’s say I’m a scientist working with personal data in my day-to-day work. Sooner or later, I will have to ask myself how I can prevent this data from floating around without any protection in the open net space. Most of the time the solution…

  • FAIRagro was part of the NFDI-Talk on February 19

    On Monday, February 19, 2024, the topic “PID4NFDI – Example Use Cases and Services for NFD” took place as part of the “NFDI Talks” event series. Persistent identifiers (PIDs) are of central importance for FAIR research data management. However, different disciplines and different resources lead to different requirements. PID4NFDI is designing a work program to…

  • Upcoming Event: BrAPI Hackathon

    The upcoming BrAPI Hackathon will be in Wittenberg, Germany, the week of April 15-19 This is a reminder for everyone who is considering attending the upcoming hackathon: please register and begin planning projects. What is BrAPI? The Breeding API (BrAPI) project is an effort to enable interoperability among plant breeding databases. BrAPI is a standardized…

  • Well attended and informative: FAIRagro RDM training on January 15 and 18, 2024

    “Handling and organizing plant phenotyping data – a workshop on Research Data Management” Together with PhenoRob, FAIRagro successfully conducted the pilot training on research data management of plant phenotyping data! Part 1 on 15.1.2024: With a colorful and active group of six PhD students from PhenoRob and six external participants from various German and international…

  • Elections to the Community Advisory Board – Nomination period expired

    FAIRagro strives to involve the community in the further development towards a FAIR data future in agricultural systems research and to work together with its diverse actors. An important body in this context is the Community Advisory Board (CAB), which will be elected for the first time in spring 2024. We have put together what…

  • FAIRagro is leaving X/Twitter

    We are stepping away from X/Twitter in favour of platforms that are currently more aligned with our values. Find us on Mastodon, BlueSky or soon on LinkedIn. FAIRagro is dedicated to the core values of Open Science. We value diversity – not only in the data we care about, but also in the conversations we…

  • Interesting new jobs with FAIRagro

    Within the framework of research projects, the Thünen Institute develops scientifically substantiated for policy makers and conducts interdisciplinary research with the aim of the sustainable further development of agriculture, forestry, timber and fisheries.As part of the FAIRagro joint project, Thünen Institute is looking for a temporary position from 01.03.2024 until 29.02.2028 (48 months) at the…

  • Do you speak legal?

    Legal language: why it is peculiar but necessary “Implied”, “principle of proportionality”, “level of creation”, “scope of protection”. Vocabulary that is juggled in legal fact sheets and lectures like a performer in a circus and that can quickly make a conversation drift into incomprehensibility for legal laymen. And yet they are necessary. Admittedly, some more…

  • Workshop: Managing your (research) data – with a focus on land use, environment and geodata

    Share your needs & challenges and get tips & tools along the data life cycle Date: 13.02.2024 14:00-15:30 (1 ½ h), Location: Uni Potsdam, Obere Mensa am Neuen Palais Responsible FAIRagro: Anne Sennhenn, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB); Marcus Schmidt, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) Managing, finding, sharing, reusing, ……