
  • 2. Community Survey 2021

    Shortly before Christmas 2021, we at FAIRagro organized an idea Secret Santa to identify needs, wishes and ideas regarding the availability of research data and opportunities for participation. We wanted to know what needs to be improved in research data management in order to solve certain tasks more efficiently or answer certain research questions. The…

  • 2. FAIRagro Retreat

    In a second retreat, FAIRagro partners worked intensively together on the proposal and discussed the concrete anchoring of the use cases in the work program.

  • 1. FAIRagro Retreat

    On July 7, representatives of the Agrosystem community and FAIRagro met in an internal retreat to discuss the embedding of the selected use cases in FAIRagro and the resulting work for the work program in the proposal. This included an initial presentation of the six selected use cases, followed by alignment of addressed RDM challenges and…

  • FAIRagro Community Workshop 2021

    In our Community Workshop on June 23, 2021, we introduced the new consortium FAIRagro, the new direction and the currently developed Flagship Use Cases to our NFDI4Agri community. We have collected the most important questions and answers in our FAQs.  Many thanks to all the participants of the workshop who made it a great success through the…

  • 1. Community Workshop of NFDI4Agri

    On 15.7. the 1st Community Workshop of NFDI4Agri took place. With over 120 participants and 20 speakers, the event was a great success and shows the great interest in the work of NFDI4Agri. 10:00 – 10:40 Begrüßung und Vorstellung der NFDI und NFDI4Agri(Ortun Brand, Frank Ewert, Nikolai Svoboda) 10:40 – 12:00 Inhaltliche Arbeit im Projekt:…

  • 1. Community Survey 2020

    The survey inquires not only about the status quo, but also explicitly about the wishes and needs of users, representing the agricultural scientific research domain. The survey was accessible online between June 26th and July 21st 2020, could be completed anonymously and took about 20 minutes. We received 196 questionnaires of which 160 were completed…