
  • FAIRagro partner IPK is involved in the INCREASING implementation study (IS) of the ELIXIR infrastructure

    The FAIRagro partner IPK is involved in the INCREASING implementation study (IS) of the ELIXIR infrastructure. The idea of this IS is to bundle existing tools and services of the plant science community as well as provide training to ensure visibility and outreach. In frame of this the IPK is strengthening the cooperation with NFDI…

  • FAIRagro has commented on the review of the proposal

    We submitted our statement on our very positive review to the DFG in due time on 08.04.2022 and thus took the opportunity to point out our current developments and networking. In this way, we were able to take up and concretise the reviewers’ supportive comments.

  • FAIRagro co-spokesperson Franziska Böhm is the elected section spokesperson of Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (Section-ELSA) of the NFDI Association

    The sections are legally dependent divisions of the NFDI Association. They deal with so-called cross-sectional issues, i.e. topics that are interesting and important for all consortia. The Scientific Senate of the NFDI Association established four sections on 01.10.2021 – Common Infrastructures (section-infra), Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (section-ELSA), (Meta)data Terminologies and Provenance (section-metadata), Training &…

  • FAIRagro co-spokesperson Juliane Fluck confirmed as co-spokesperson at base4nfdi

    We are pleased to announce that Juliane Fluck has been confirmed as co-spokesperson at base4nfdi. She will be responsible for the task area “Service Negotiation & Development Process Coordination” and thus actively contribute to the submission of the base4nfdi proposal and to the successful launch of the project if it is funded. Both FAIRagro and…

  • FAIRagro partner support further development of Geonode

    Geonode ( is THE open source geodata management system that many important research institutions rely on: The FAIRagro partners ZALF, Thünen, JKI and HSWT together with other institutions and the community strive for an information exchange regarding the use and further development of Geonode in the scientific field; the first meeting took place on 28.02.2022.…

  • FAIRagro participates in base4nfdi

    On February 1, 2022, the DFG published the call for proposals for the so-called NFDI basic services. Base service initiatives are potentially intended to accommodate the needs of all subject and methodological consortia and to realize corresponding services. In the meantime, the 19 funded subject consortia have joined forces to submit a joint funding application…

  • FAIRagro interacts with the community

    FAIRagro actively contacted interested participants of the idea Secret Santa organized last year and was able to concretise initial ideas and needs in direct dialogue. We were thus able to determine the potential where and how existing Use Cases can be expanded via our planned onboarding process, as well as how planned services can be…

  • We have received a positive review

    We submitted our proposal to the DFG on November the 2nd, 2021 and defended it in front of an international review panel on January the 17th, 2022. We have now received positive feedback and would like to thank the reviewers as well as all those involved in the consortium. We are confidently awaiting the results…

  • ATB News – usage of SRADI at ATB

    Network building among FAIRagro partners goes on. The Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) is currently testing an instance of SRADI (Smart Rural Areas Data Infrastructure). SRADI is an interdisciplinary data platform for the comprehensive structuring and sharing of research data developed at the World Agricultural Systems Center and the Chair of Geoinformatics…

  • ZALF News – BonaRes Centre is starting the 3rd funding phase

    ZALF operates the BonaRes Repository of Soil and Agricultural Research Data, the portal for more than 400 longterm field experiments in Germany and Europe, and a platform for sustainability assessment of emerging and future soil management practices and technologies. In the third and final funding phase of the BonaRes Centre, the aim is now to…

  • 2. Community Survey 2021

    Shortly before Christmas 2021, we at FAIRagro organized an idea Secret Santa to identify needs, wishes and ideas regarding the availability of research data and opportunities for participation. We wanted to know what needs to be improved in research data management in order to solve certain tasks more efficiently or answer certain research questions. The…

  • Zalf member of the NFDI association

    ZALF is now a member of the NFDI association.