Geonode ( is THE open source geodata management system that many important research institutions rely on: The FAIRagro partners ZALF, Thünen, JKI and HSWT together with other institutions and the community strive for an information exchange regarding the use and further development of Geonode in the scientific field; the first meeting took place on 28.02.2022. Florian Hoedt (Thünen) organizes these meetings. If you also want to contribute actively, feel free to contact him and be involved in further scheduled meetings. Together we want to promote Geonode as part of the FAIRagro Open Source strategy. You want to experience Geonode live? Browse the Thünen Atlas, a Geonode instance of the Thünen Institute and learn more in the talk “Geonode as a research data platform“.
FAIRagro partner support further development of Geonode