Publishing research code FAIR – a roadmap
Would you like to publish your self-developed code (in Python, R, etc.) in parallel to your research results, but as an independent citable source? Then you’ve come to the right place – we can help you through the labyrinth of existing methods, standards and recommendations. Here you will find a current roadmap to publish code…
Protected: How to learn … ALTERNATIVE
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Facts on Facts – Data Types in Agrosystem Science
What data types exist in agrosystem science? What do I have to consider when collecting and publishing data – including the legal perspective? Here we give a short overview of relevant data types and their peculiarities regarding research data management. With hints to our expertises in the DSSC and further ressources.
Where to find a fitting repository?
Are you looking for a suitable repository to publish your research data – or do you need well-described data for subsequent use? We help you through the jungle of existing infrastructure. Here you can find a current list of repo recommendations from our helpdesk.
How to learn and teach RDM – a collection
Are you looking for ways to learn about handling research data? Do you need teaching materials that you can use to create your own training courses? – We have compiled a collection of (mostly) open educational resources on research data management in agricultural sciences and related domains for you!
Well attended and informative: FAIRagro RDM training on January 15 and 18, 2024
“Handling and organizing plant phenotyping data – a workshop on Research Data Management” Together with PhenoRob, FAIRagro successfully conducted the pilot training on research data management of plant phenotyping data! Part 1 on 15.1.2024: With a colorful and active group of six PhD students from PhenoRob and six external participants from various German and international…
Templates and Services
Here you can download the currently valid corporate design guidelines, the current flyer and corresponding templates for a uniform internal and external presentation of the FAIRagro consortium. CD Manual The guidelines for the presentation of FAIRagro – including information on the color scheme, logo, font and imagery. FAIRagro CD Guidelines FAIRagro Flyer The current FAIRagro…
Successful FAIRagro Workshop: Data Quality for Data Analytics in Agrosystem Science
A successful 2-day workshop in Bonn ended yesterday. The focus was on data quality for data analysis and FAIR data management in agricultural systems research, with insightful contributions from participants from the FAIRagro consortium and external researchers. Exciting presentations, open discussions and dynamic breakout sessions made the event a memorable one! What it was about:…
A Festival for data – FAIRagro at the International Data Week in Salzburg
From October 23 to 26, 2023, the “International Data Week” (IDW) took place in Salzburg at the Salzburg Congress – we from FAIRagro were there. A global community of data science and data management experts, researchers from all fields, data, interoperability and informatics experts, industry leaders, entrepreneurs and policy makers gathered in Salzburg between October…
FAIRagro at the 2nd BioHackathon Germany
After last year’s great success, the 2nd BioHackathon Germany, organized by the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI), will take place in Bielefeld from December 11-15, 2023. Among the 11 selected projects from the fields of bioinformatics, life sciences and data management, the project “Increasing FAIRness in agrosystem sciences and plant phenomics” is also an…
DSSC has published fact sheets on the types of date used in FAIRagro
New! Our FAIRagro DSSC has published fact sheets on the types of data used in FAIRagro in the life sciences repository “Publisso”. The fact sheets introduce data types and provide an overview about typically used data in the agrosystem research community. For soil data, field data in general, genetic data (“omics data”), phenotyping data, field…
More materials can be found on Zenodo in our FAIRagro Community. Poster General FAIRagro Poster: Presentations of the Community Workshops in October 2022 FAIRagro in a nutshell UC1 – Nutzung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Genotyp, Standort, Jahr und Bewirtschaftung für eine nachhaltige Pflanzenproduktion UC2 – Assessing tradeoffs for optimal crop nitrogen management UC3 – Optimierung von Schädlings-…