Workshop: Managing your (research) data – with a focus on land use, environment and geodata

Share your needs & challenges and get tips & tools along the data life cycle

Date: 13.02.2024 14:00-15:30 (1 ½ h), Location: Uni Potsdam, Obere Mensa am Neuen Palais

Responsible FAIRagro: Anne Sennhenn, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB); Marcus Schmidt, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)

Managing, finding, sharing, reusing, … data is part of our daily work as scientists. Along our data management journeys all of us face challenges and have particular needs.

The 27 discipline-specific and interdisciplinary German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) target to address these needs and challenges and build services and infrastructure to facilitate your daily data journeys towards a FAIR data future. 

Within the workshop ….

… we would like to introduce FAIR principles as prerequisites for an operable data life cycle,

… we will ask you to share your needs and challenges across disciplines and

… we will provide tips and tools along the data life cycle.

The workshop will be facilitated by the NFDI consortium FAIRagro and thereby focuses on agriculture, environment and geosciences and provides examples and tips as well as tools particularly from and for these disciplines. Nevertheless scientists from all disciplines are welcome to attend the workshop.

Workshop program:

1. Introduction

  • Introduction to the data life cycle and FAIR principles
  • Towards a FAIR data future in agriculture, environment and geosciences
  • Research data management (RDM) good practice examples

2. Interactive group work on RDM needs & challenges (across disciplines) along the data life cycle

  1. Planning of experiments and data acquisition
  2. Data acquisition , processing and storage
  3. Data publishing and sharing
  4. Reusability of data and interoperability

3. Reports of group works & general discussion RDM tips & tools

4. Wrap-up with tips & tools along the data life cycle

Contact: Dr. Anne Sennhenn:

Workshop language: English (or any other language during group work

Capacity: 20 – 40 participants

Workshop Registration

Hereby I would like to register for the FAIRagro Workshop “Managing your (research) data – with a focus on land use, environment and geodata”, which will take place Tuesday the 13th of February 2024 at the University Potsdam.

The workshop is part of the Open Science event at the University of Potsdam, which takes place in collaboration with other NFDI consortia as part of the activities for Love Data Week Berlin Brandenburg.

    The information will only be used to better organise the workshop. We will have the chance to contact you in case of any changes and send you resources in preparation and as follow-up of the workshop. Your data will not be further processed or stored for other purposes.

    For further details on your data processing please find the Privacy Policy.



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