A successful 2-day workshop in Bonn ended yesterday. The focus was on data quality for data analysis and FAIR data management in agricultural systems research, with insightful contributions from participants from the FAIRagro consortium and external researchers. Exciting presentations, open discussions and dynamic breakout sessions made the event a memorable one!

What it was about:
In the domain of agricultural systems, the fusion of mobile sensing, machine learning, and plant phenotyping unlocks far-reaching opportunities for sustainable crop production. With the aim of exploiting these potentials in the best possible way, a quality-assured research data management (RDM) for generating, publishing, and accessing research data is currently being developed in our FAIRagro initiative.
To make such a data infrastructure usable across different disciplines, it is crucial to identify data aggregation, processing, and quality levels that are optimal for multi-modal data analytics. Our workshop aims to exploit synergies and bring together knowledge from different expert domains in order to identify commonalities and establish shared guidelines. Notably, such guidelines can help contributors resolve ambiguities with respect to data standards required for sharing their data.
On December 6 and 7, 2023, at the University of Bonn, the workshop will provide its participants the opportunity to give short presentations of recent and on-going research. Of interest in these presentations is a focus on data collected in the agrosystem domain and its necessary (spatial and temporal) characteristics and quality standards, and data processing as an intermediate step between data acquisition and further use (e.g., in data analysis and machine learning).
More information about the workshop, the selection of abstracts and the registration for participation can be found on the workshop website.