On February 1, 2022, the DFG published the call for proposals for the so-called NFDI basic services. Base service initiatives are potentially intended to accommodate the needs of all subject and methodological consortia and to realize corresponding services. In the meantime, the 19 funded subject consortia have joined forces to submit a joint funding application base4nfdi on 29.4.2022. The consortia of the 3rd call are explicitly called to contribute to this application as well. FAIRagro is responding to this call and has identified a number of topics for potential base services with which it will participate. These include “Long-term Archiving”, “Identity and Access Management”, “Terminology Service”, “Fair Digital Objects”, and “Certificate Infrastructures”. The focus of the application is on the elaboration of the processes to implement basic services and will be realized mainly by applying for so-called flexible funds. A working group on basic services within FAIRagro is preparing participation in base4nfdi.
FAIRagro participates in base4nfdi