This PDF contains everything you need to know about the application requirements and evaluation criteria of the 2nd FAIRagro Use Case Call.
Here you find the application form for the 2nd FAIRagro Use Case Call as a Word document.
The deadline for applications is March 3rd 2025, 6 pm
We will be happy to annonunce the new FAIRagro Use Cases End of May!
Objectives of FAIRagro Use Cases
FAIRagro Use Cases are practical examples that describe and address specific challenges in RDM within agricultural sciences as well as develop and test potential solutions. They enable FAIRagro to collaboratively tackle the diversity and heterogeneity of agricultural data – ranging from drone imagery and gene sequences to farm surveys – as well as the broad range of relevant temporal and spatial scales, e.g. from the molecular and genetic level to entire landscapes.
A key objective is to avoid isolated, stand-alone solutions and instead develop adaptable, community-driven approaches that are relevant and beneficial for the entire agricultural research community and beyond. Through these Use Cases, FAIRagro ensures that its data infrastructures, tools, and services align with real-world research needs, enhancing daily scientific practices. Moreover, they contribute to more efficient and impactful (agricultural) research, foster cross-disciplinary collaboration, and extend beyond agroecosystem science to broader agricultural sciences and related fields as well as neighboring disciplines and domains.
Accepted Use Cases will become an integral part of the FAIRagro consortium. Use Cases are integrated into the consortium’s work plan, entailing collaborative efforts with the FAIRagro Task Areas (TA) (see Fig. 1) and are intended to accomplish specific Measures and Deliverables over a predetermined duration. An overview of the FAIRagro task areas and their measures can be found in this document for download (FAIRagro Use Case Onboarding). The Task Areas are also presented here on our website.

Focus of the 2nd UC Call
With FAIRagro Use Cases, the following objectives are pursued:
- Demonstrate FAIR practices: Use proof-of-concept to demonstrate that applying FAIR principles and practices will lead to more efficient and collaborative agricultural research, thereby fostering innovation and ultimately contributing solutions for related societal challenges.
- Broaden the community: Engage new disciplines and/ or institutions and expand integration into agricultural science and beyond (including neighbouring and new disciplines and domains, e.g. animal-related sciences.
- Foster cultural change: Establish FAIR data management as the normative standard in agricultural research and strengthen acceptance through proven best practices.
- Develop and implement scalable solutions: Create practical approaches based on FAIRagro concepts, infrastructures, and services to address specific Research Data Management (RDM) challenges. These solutions must prioritize interoperability and scalability to ensure broad applicability across agricultural sciences and beyond.
- Strengthen interdisciplinary and (inter-)national collaboration: Foster cross-consortium partnerships within NFDI and cooperation with relevant RDM as well as (agricultural) research initiatives, networks and projects.
All details about:
- Eligible Use Case formats
- Eligible parties and stakeholders
- Funding conditions and details
- Application documents
- Evaluation criteria
are elaborated in the Use Case Call document (PDF).
Admission of new Participants: Continuously
Announcement of the UC Call 2025
Public presentation of the UC Call + Q&A
06.02.2025 9am
online via Zoom
UC applicant consultation via DSSC
Continuously through
Application deadline
03.03.2025, 6pm
Announcement of UC selection
End-May 2025
Onboarding of new Use Cases
From July 2025
UC funding period and operation:
From July 2025 for max. 18 months until the end of 2026
FAIRagro Annual Plenary:
September/ October 2025, Berlin

Further important information for applicants
Open presentation of the UC Call
During the application period, we encourage interested parties to attend the public presentation of the 2nd Use Case Call and the accompanying Q&A session. This event will provide detailed information about the current call and address frequently asked questions.
DSSC consultation & support for applicants and future UCs
This time, we are also offering all interested parties the opportunity to consult with our Data Steward Service Center (DSSC) team / FAIRagro Helpdesk regarding their Use Case application. The DSSC team is happy to assist applicants in:
- Identifying potential points of connection to FAIRagro’s Task Areas (TAs) and Measures,
- Ensuring meaningful extensions to existing Use Case work,
- Highlighting possible gaps and valuable contributions that future Use Case projects and pilots could address.
We strongly encourage all applicants to take advantage of this support and contact the DSSC team ( ) as early as possible to develop their ideas into promising and impactful proposals.
Contact information for applicants
Furthermore, interested parties are advised to signal their interest at the earliest possible stage. If applicable, they should initiate the necessary formalities to attain FAIRagro Participant status in a timely manner.
Applicants are required to submit the completed FAIRagro UC Submission Form, along with any applicable appendices,
via email to
no later than 6 PM on March 3, 2025.
Only applications submitted on time and using the FAIRagro UC Submission Form, filled out in English to ensure clarity for our national and international reviewers, will be considered. The completeness of the form is a prerequisite for the formal acceptance of the application.
This PDF contains everything you need to know about the application requirements and evaluation criteria of the 2nd FAIRagro Use Case Call.
Here you find the application form for the 2nd FAIRagro Use Case Call as a Word document.