“FAIRagro is intended to create an open infrastructure for data from agrosystems research.”

Dr. Ulrike Stahl heads the Research Data Management working group at the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), one of 29 scientific institutions participating in the FAIRagro consortium. At FAIRagro, she is the lead of Task Area 2 “Community Involvement and Networking”, one of a total of five Task areas.

In the interview in the current JKI newsletter, she talks about why it is important to handle research data sustainably and responsibly, what requirements and challenges arise as a result, what the acronym FAIR means in this context – and about the role of the JKI in the FAIRagro consortium.

The interview “Ten questions on research data management” is available here (in German).

Portrait Dr. Ulrike Stahl, Head of Reserch Data Management workong group at JKI and Task Area Lead “Community Involvement and Networking” at FAIRagro. © S. Hahn/JKI



