FAIRagro - Illustration with plant and data

About FAIRagro

The FAIRagro consortium with more than 25 partners is building a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) research data management system for the agrosystems research community. We are developing the right tools and workflows to lay the foundations for sustainable crop production – now and in the future.

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Our mission

We establish an interoperable and scalable RDI by connecting available repositories to make research data FAIR. We facilitate combined data analyses and establish a multilevel support system by setting up a Data Steward Service Center. We provide guidelines and information material, and focus on knowledge transfer for agrosystem researchers. FAIRagro addresses quality and legal security challenges beyond the FAIR principles.

Our aims are accomplished by close collaboration with other NFDI consortia and the national and international community. We advance NFDI ambitions with expertise and approaches for legal data security challenges, stakeholder involvement and RDIs for highly interdisciplinary and multi-scale research in a field of high societal relevance.


This NFDI consortium is an initiative of NFDI4Agri for the agrosystem domain.      

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Our objectives

FAIRagro will develop an interoperable and scalable research data infrastructure for agrosystems research.

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FAIRagro comprises partners with excellent disciplinary expertise and with many years of experience in research data management.

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What the FAIRagro community says

Vasilka Stoilova

In the FAIRagro workshop “Legal Status Quo”, the special copyright features of research data were highlighted and researchers were sensitised in particular to the practical application of the legal provisions relevant to them. Based on concrete practical examples, a lively discussion developed after each presentation, which ensured the active participation of the participants. The mixture of short impulses on topics such as CC licences, good scientific practice and legal aspects of AI was very successful.

Vasilka Stoilova, LL.M., University of Mannheim

Until the “Legal Status Quo” workshop, I had little to do with the FAIRagro project as a consultant for technology transfer and law, but I registered out of interest and because the ATB is a participant in the consortium. It was a very successful workshop with stimulating discussions between the informative keynote speeches. I learnt a lot about copyright and the use of CC licences – in particular that the research data that our scientists collect and analyse is not protected by copyright per se. I was also impressed by the insight into the work and the associated challenges of a joint repository for the agricultural sciences.

Thank you for letting me get a taste of your work and for the great organisation, Lea.

Larissa Raatz, ATB Potsdam

Kai Sven Radtke

From a data scientist’s perspective, legal issues relating to data are very important. However, they are not always given sufficient attention and are perhaps sometimes perceived as a little daunting. The workshop “Legal Status Quo of FAIRagro Partners” gave me an overview of the issue of licensing research data with great speakers. It was understandable and I admit – interesting and entertaining.

Dr. Kai Radtke, DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum


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