Where to find a fitting repository?

Repositories (repos) are the key places in RDM where well-described data can be stored permanently – and the place where scientists can search for data for reuse. In addition to repos that accommodate all types of data and institutional repos, there are a large number of subject-specific repos that are often very well designed for the respective data structure and can therefore offer advantages for publication and reuse of data. This list is intended to provide an overview of repos relevant to agrosystem research by listing them and presenting their domain, as well as special features and possible licenses. 

For which target groups is the repository list intended? 

The repo list is primarily aimed at researchers in the agrosystem community who are looking for subject-specific data publication opportunities and/or suitable data sources. Various domains of agrosystem research are taken into account, such as plant research, genetics, soil data and geodata. 

How are the repos described? 

The list is divided into: unrestricted and partially restricted access. Within these two blocks, the order of the repos is based primarily on the respective domain, as well as on whether or not a FAIRsharing DOI and/or an entry in re3data is available. Furthermore, each repo has a short description, lists type of resources, as well as information on possible licenses and special features. 

Have we missed something? 

For feedback, additional suggestions, requests for changes or other important columns, please contact us at helpdesk.


Data Steward Elena

Elena Rey-Mazón ORCID-iD icon

Data Steward Lucia

Lucia Vedder ORCID-iD icon

Data Steward Florian

Florian Beyer ORCID-iD icon

Marcus Schmidt ORCID-iD icon

on behalf of the FAIRagro consortium


