After the successful FAIRagro Kickoff last year, the annual project meeting will take place as “FAIRagro Plenary 2024” in November. We invite all FAIRagro employees, PIs, participants and potential new use case partners to attend.
The event will take place from 13 November to 15 November, luch-to-lunch. The aim and focus of the meeting is the exchange in personal contact, reports (posters) on work and progress in the project, breakout sessions with particularly exciting and burning topics, keynotes, internal TA and/or WG meetings and further work planning for the year 2025.

We have already found a location:
Julius Kühn Institute, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants
Königin-Luise-Straße 19
14195 Berlin
This is in Berlin-Dahlem, near the Botanical Garden and the FU. The X 83 bus stops right in front of it, convenient underground stations are Dahlem Dorf or Rathaus Steglitz (the X 83 runs from both). Rathaus Steglitz is also the nearest S-Bahn station.
In addition, there will again be a dinner and various side events organised around the actual event.
All colleagues from the FAIRagro consortium are cordially invited – the registration link has already been sent out. And here is finally the entire program – looking forward to seeing you there!