RDM Training for researchers at Martin Luther University Halle

Successful cooperation with the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt

„The workshop was on-point, most relevant topics and issues were discussed“ , „Provide a lot of information via links exercises and groups”, “The use and application of zoom tools and technology was very good” – some of the opinions from participants in the RDM-training on June 29.

Together with the University and State Library (ULB) of Saxony-Anhalt, colleagues from FAIRagro organised an RDM training course for agricultural scientists on June 29. A total of 19 researchers from Martin Luther University Halle (MLU) and the Saxony-Anhalt-based Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) and the Model Region Central Germany – Digitisation of Plant Value Chains (DiP) took part in the half-day online workshop.

In a mixture of lectures, discussions and interactive exercises, the participants were introduced to the basic principles of research data management before exploring the various topics and measures of data management along the research data life cycle. The specifics of handling agricultural science data and the tools and services of MLU, ULB and FAIRagro that are helpful for data management were always taken into account. All in all, it was an exciting and insightful workshop that we would be happy to repeat or offer elsewhere. 


