BrAPI Integration on PSI Hardware
This use case deals with the integration of an open, standardized interface (Breeding API) to make the proprietary data management systems available in the PhenoSphere system FAIR.The description of this Use Case is coming soon.
IPK Gatersleben

The Use Case Pilot BrAPI4PSI will develop together with the PSI Company a Breeding API (BrAPI) compliant integration for phenotyping images acquired on PSI phenotyping system used in European high-throughput phenotyping facilities.
It will be developed exemplarily for the IPK PhenoSphere PhenoCrane system, which was built by PSI for the IPK Gatersleben . The PhenoSphere system currently uses proprietary data management systems to store, access, and analyse the images. In total, 50 further European research institutions could profit from the to be developed toolbox, like e.g. the NPEC facilities in Wageningen, who also use PSI infrastructure, bought custom APIs for the PSI Fytotron software, which controls the environmental data.
To adhere to the FAIR principles the research data management needs to use open standards, which are MIAPPE conform, such as BrAPI ( Thus, developing an integration of an open access standard like BrAPI would not only benefit the IPK Gatersleben or NPEC Wageningen, but also many other European PSI customers like the Vienna BioCenter Core or the PhenomUK and the whole FAIRagro community in general. A BrAPI integration would FAIRify the PhenoCrane images captured at the IPK Gatersleben and would also provide a basis to integrate other data like environmental data in the future. The BrAPI integration for PSI databases could then be disseminated to other European partners.
The concept of the Use Case Call Pilot BrAPI4PSI seeks to FAIRify the phenotyping image acquisition of PSI infrastructure (used in several European research institutions, here in the PhenoSphere at the IPK Gatersleben) by developing a BrAPI integration of the BrAPI-Core and BrAPI-Phenotyping modules with PSI databases to allow pull requests for subsequent FAIR use of the data.
We need to develop an interface to guide users towards filling the metadata table following the MIAPPE standard to feed the BrAPI pull with information.