Florian Beyer

Data Steward Florian

I am working with the Julius Kühn Institute in Braunschweig, in the Research Center for Agricultural Remote Sensing at the Institute of Crop and Soil Science.

My diploma is in geography with geology and soil science, my doctorate in geoinformatics and remote sensing – specifically I am working on multitemporal vegetation analysis of multisensory earth observation data in agriculture (note Oli – this needs to be redone occasionally, keyword easy language).

How did I get into data management?

Since about 2010 I have been working in research projects in Earth observation analysis at universities and non-university research institutions. I have often experienced that when a project ends, the researchers are gone and their codes, data and results are not stored and made available in a sustainable way.

What does good data management mean to me?

The world of geodata is facing a paradigm shift today. We are talking about geomass data that can no longer be held on isolated computers. For me, good data management means: (cloud-based) geodata infrastructures (GDI) communicate with each other via standardized interfaces. Geodata are stored on these GDIs with FAIR machine-readable metadata standards.

Our Data Stewards