
  • Data documentation and science karma (2)

    How to make your research fit for others A contribution by Jannes Uhlott and Sophie Boße – Part 2 In the first part of the article, Sophie and Jannes explained what data quality is all about and why it is worth documenting your data as well as possible and providing it with quality information –…

  • Data documentation and science karma (1)

    How to make your research fit for others A contribution by Jannes Uhlott and Sophie Boße – Part 1 There is a lot of data out there – but which has the quality I need? The advantages of data quality information are enormous. The data is reliable and users can assess for themselves whether the…

  • No copyright, no problem? The consequences of incorrect citation

    An article by Lea Sophie Singson, Legal Data Steward at FAIRagro, The CC-BY license is probably the license most frequently applied to research data when the author is concerned about attribution. However, many people are unaware that this license can only be granted to works protected by copyright. This has already been discussed in…

  • Unity and justice and (academic) freedom:

    Why it is more than just a sentence on paper “Funding affair at the Ministry of Education” – These or similar headlines have been staring at us like flashing lights in the press recently. When people have been made aware of the above-mentioned situation, they were justifiably outraged. It was all started by an email…

  • Why not only data, but also groups of people are to be protected

    Sharing is CAREing – now more than just „Goodwill“: Trust is good, legal certainty is better. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) thought so too. On May 24, 2024, it enshrined elements of the CARE principles in an international treaty for the first time. Here I explain why this is a significant step in international…

  • Knock Knock: who’s there? – The Reform Of The Genetic Engineering Laws?

    Genetic engineering. For some it’s the sleep paralysis demon, for others the holy grail. Granted, it’s not as dramatic. However, the gene scissor is not the only one separating. The topic is discussed heatedly across politicians, scientists and consumer advocates, and not just nationally. Only recently the pot has been stirred again by the decision…

  • Copyright as the final boss

    Friend or foe for scientists? Our first Legal Workshop earlier this week was a full success! Since there have been lively discussions around the presented topics regarding the German copyright, I want to use this legal column again to dive into the deep sea of the German copyright law and the data licenses. German copyright:…

  • Pseudonymous, anonymous – what is it and what are the consequences?

    Discussion of the Verdict of the EuG from 26.04.2023, T-557/20 Let’s say I’m a scientist working with personal data in my day-to-day work. Sooner or later, I will have to ask myself how I can prevent this data from floating around without any protection in the open net space. Most of the time the solution…

  • Do you speak legal?

    Legal language: why it is peculiar but necessary “Implied”, “principle of proportionality”, “level of creation”, “scope of protection”. Vocabulary that is juggled in legal fact sheets and lectures like a performer in a circus and that can quickly make a conversation drift into incomprehensibility for legal laymen. And yet they are necessary. Admittedly, some more…