The DAFA Conference “Agricultural Research in Climate Change” took place in Potsdam from March 11 to 14, 2024. Over 550 participants exchanged ideas and information on the current state of science on key topics in the field of agriculture in climate change. In 90 poster presentations and over 100 lectures, it was shown which effects of climate change agriculture can expect in the future, which adaptation measures are promising and which adjustments are necessary for climate protection in the agricultural sector.

During the conference, FAIRagro organized a workshop entitled “FAIR research data management for agrosystems research”: Networked and efficient agricultural research is needed to meet the complex challenges that climate change poses to society and agriculture. At the heart of scientific work is the “gold” of scientists – research data. In order to exploit the full potential of this treasure and facilitate collaborative work, agricultural research data must be easy to find and access, interoperable and easy to reuse for peers. Sound research data management in line with these FAIR principles is therefore of central importance for networked agricultural research.
The workshop showed why efficient research data management is worthwhile for your own research practice, discussed challenges from the participants’ everyday work and presented possible solutions, helpful tools and best practices.
Another highlight was the session “New cultivation systems and crops”, during which the FAIRagro Use Case 3 was presented in the lecture “Advanced integrated pest management and climate change: Streamlining pest and disease data”, which deals with the data-specific challenges in the management of pests and diseases.