The NFDI Expert Panel recommends FAIRagro for funding from 2023 onwards

The DFG’s expert panel “National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)” recommends FAIRagro for funding from 2023 onwards. In a combination of written procedure and hybrid meeting, it deliberated on the 15 consortia proposals submitted in 2021 in the third round of calls for proposals. As a result, the NFDI expert panel recommends FAIRagro to the Joint Science Conference (GWK) for funding from 1 January 2023. This makes FAIRagro one of seven consortia to receive this recommendation. When assessing eligibility for funding, the key criteria were the technical quality of a consortium, its acceptance in the community and the quality of the measures to ensure the necessary feedback with the community. The final decision of the GWK in November remains to be seen. We are very pleased about this recommendation and thank all those involved and the FAIRagro community for their great commitment up to this point. We are confident that we will be able to overcome the last hurdle and start next year.


