How to learn and teach RDM – a collection

FAIRagro has compiled learning and teaching materials on research data management for the agrosystems research community. These resources are designed to help you learn about research data management (RDM), especially in the agricultural sciences. Teachers can reuse many of the resources collected to design their own training courses on discipline-specific RDM.

Here we offer you a quick overview of the learning and teaching resources we have compiled with a brief description, keywords and direct links to the resources. We will publish these data in the DALIA catalog in the Knowledge Graph for Open Educational Resources on RDM and then include a searchable and filterable display here.

If you are looking for more detailed information, you will find the Open document button on the right. This leads to an Excel table with more information on the individual teaching and learning resources with detailed descriptions of the resources, information on learning objectives, target groups, authors and funders. This table allows you to filter for resources that are particularly suitable for learning yourself, or for materials that can be reused by teachers. You can also filter by other criteria such as language, format, target group, domain and license to find the right resource.

Overview of learning and teaching materials

Data Management Support Pack

Documents, Videos, Templates for Principle Investigator, Researcher, Data Manager in the area of Agricultural Science, Survey Data.

Keywords: CGIAR, CCAFS, Open Data, Agriculture, Survey Data,
Data Management Plan, Fieldwork, Data Sharing

Data Management Plan Webinar

Webinar for Researcher in the area of Agricultural Science.

Keywords: Ag Data Commons, USDA, Data Management Plan,
Scientific Data, Data Curation, Webinar

Making Data Machine-Readable Webinar

Webinar for Researcher in the area of Agricultural Science.

Keywords: USDA, Ag Data Commons, Webinar,
Machine-Readability, Data Curation, Tabular Data, Reformatting

Data Dictionaries Webinar

Webinar for Researcher in the area of Agricultural Science.

Keywords: Data Dictionary, Data Management, Ag Data Commons, Data Curation, Codebook, Feature Catalog

WageningenX: Big Data for Agri-Food: Principles and Tools

Multimedia Online Course: Text, Videos, Quizzes, Exercises for Researcher, Data Manager, Farm Manager in the area of Agriculture, Agricultural Science, Soil Science, Animal Science.

Keywords: Data Science, Big Data, Immutability, Artificial Intelligence, Scalability, Machine Learning

Open Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition Course

Massive Open Online Course: Text, Videos for Researcher, Technologist-Journalist, Communication Officer, Librarian, Policymaker, Project Manager in the area of Agriculture, Nutrition, Agricultural Science, Weather Data, Climate Data, Land Data.

Keywords: Open Data Principles, Data Quality, Managing
Datasets, Repositories, Semantics for agronomic Data

Webinar on Plant Data Management for Phenotyping Experiments

Webinar for Researcher in the area of Plant Science, Plant Phenotyping.

Keywords: Data Management, Plant Data, Phenotyping
Experiments, Ontologies, MIAPPE, BrAPI

FAIR Cookbook – Publication of plant experimental data in generic data repositories

Guidelines and Best Practices for Researcher, Data Stewards, Policymaker in the area of Plant Science, Plant Phenotyping.

Keywords: Data Publishing, Plant Phenotyping Data, Genotyping
Data, MIAPPE, Repositories, FAIR Principles

FAIR Cookbook – Plant genomic and genetic variation data submission to EMBL-EBI databases

Guidelines and Best Practices for Researcher, Data Stewards, Policymaker in the area of Plant Science, Plant Phenotyping.

Keywords: Data Publishing, Plant Phenotyping Data, Genotyping
Data, MIAPPE, Repositories, FAIR, BioSamples

RDMkit – Plant Science

Guidelines and Best Practices for Researcher, Data Stewards in the area of Plant Science.

Keywords: Data Management Planning, Plant Phenotyping Data,
Plant Genotyping Data, Data Collection

NFDI4Biodiversity Winter School Lectures

Webinars for Early-Career-Researcher in the area of Biodiversity Science, Environmental Science.

Keywords: Taxonomic Harmonization; Data Management; Data annotation,
Legal Aspects, Data Publication, NFDI

Data Science for Ecologist in R: Tidy Data – Self-Learning Video Series

Short videos for Early-Career-Researcher in the area of Biology, Ecology.

Keywords: Data Science, R, Tidy Data, Ecologists, gfbio, NFDI4Biodiversity

#shareEGU20: Handling your data efficiently from planning to reuse–tips & tools to save time & nerves –  Webinar

Webinar for Researcher in the area of Geoscience, Agricultural Science.

Keywords: FAIR, Data Management, DMP, Reproducibility, R,
Git, Data Publication

NFDI4Biodiversity Self-Study Unit – Research Data Management for Biodiversity Data

Massive Open Online Course: Text, Pictures, Quizzes, Videos for Early-Career-Researcher, Researcher in the area of Environmental Sciences, Biology.

Keywords: Research Data Management, Biodiversity, Ecologist,
Data Life Cycle

Data Management for Researchers [GFBio]

Short Clips for Researcher in the area of Environmental Sciences, Biology.

Keywords: Research Data, RDM, Data Management Plan, GFBio

BonaRes Repositorium Intro Video

Clip for Researcher in the area of Agricultural Science, Soil Science.

Keywords: Repository, BonaRes, Data Publication

Guidelines for Managing Personally Identifiable Information in the Research Project Data Lifecycle

Information for Researcher in the area of Agricultural Science.

Keywords: Personal identifiable Information, Research Ethics,
Informed Consent, Privacy Protection, Data Security

Data for Generations – Keeping data reusable for really long periods of time

Workshop for Researcher in the area of Agricultural Science, Soil Science.

Keywords: Digital Preservation, File Formats, BonaRes,
Research Data Management

Forschungsdatenmanagement für Agrarwissenschaftler und Biologen

Presentation for Researcher, Students in the area of Agricultural Science, Biology.

Keywords: Research Data Management, re3data, Repositories,
Research Data, Pangaea, Metadata, Data Journals, Data Paper

Travel Preparations for your Research Journey – Best Practices of Research Data Management and the IPK Support Systems

Workshop for Students, Early-Career-Researcher in the area of Crop Plant Research.

Keywords: Research Data Management, FAIR Principles,
Electronic Lab Notebooks, LIMS, Data Management Plans

Workshop zu Forschungsdatenmanagement für die BMBF-Forschungsinitiative zum Erhalt der Artenvielfalt (FEdA)

Workshop for Researcher in the area of Biodiversity Science, Environmental Science, Social Science Data.

Keywords: Research Ethics, Data Protection, Data Documentation, Data Security, Anonymization, Data Publication

Did we miss something?

If you know of any other discipline-specific teaching materials or have any other comments or suggestions, please send your feedback to


Sophie Bosse

Sophie Boße ORCID-iD icon

Lea Sophie Singson ORCID-iD icon

Data Steward Wahib

Wahib Sahwan ORCID-iD icon

Data Steward Elena

Elena Rey-Mazón ORCID-iD icon

Data Steward Lucia

Lucia Vedder ORCID-iD icon

on behalf of the FAIRagro consortium


