Registration Workshop: What to do with my agricultural research data?

A workshop on research data management

When and where does the workshop take place?

The workshop will take place on 28.06.24 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm online

For whom is this workshop intended?

This workshop is aimed specifically at scientists of all qualification levels at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Scientists working in similar fields and at other institutions are of course welcome to attend. No prior knowledge of research data management is required to participate in the workshop.

Which topics are discussed?

A scientist’s greatest treasure is his or her research data. In this interactive workshop, we will open this treasure chest and explore together the main principles of good research data management. You will learn why and how the careful management and publication of your data can benefit you and your future research life. To do this, we will give you an overview of key RDM concepts which are important in your field and look at what measures can help you realize the full potential of research data throughout the research project.

We will keep in mind the specifics of agrosystems research data and give you guidance on which tools and services are available to you in this field. We will give you some insights into FAIRagro’s work on a data infrastructure that can make agrosystems research data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR).

We will also present the RDM services and infrastructure of the Martin Luther University Halle that are available to you.


research data management, FAIR principles, metadata, metadata standards, data management plans, electronic lab notebooks, electronic field books, data repositories, data journals, licensing

Who offers the workshop?

The workshop is a cooperation between FAIRagro and the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt.

What do you need to participate?

Computer with an internet connection, webcam, and microphone. The workshop includes lectures, interactive exercises, and discussions.

The workshop will be held in English.

How can I register?

Please fill out the registration form below.

If you have any questions, please contact Sophie Boße (she/her) – or Martin Scheuplein (he/him) –

    Do you generate data in a wet lab?

    Do you handle big data (i.e. data that are too large or too complex for ordinary computing devices to process)?

    Do you handle sensitive data (e.g. data from farmers or farms)?

    Do you write scripts, code and/or software?

    Data privacy (required)