On 20 June 2022, we organised the 2nd FAIRagro Community Workshop with almost 100 participants on the topic of “Services and Tools – Useful Services and Tools for FAIR Data Management in Agrosystems Research“. The aim of this workshop was to inform our community about planned tools, frameworks and services, to interest, motivate and network for FAIR data management using FAIRagro services. The video recordings of the presentations and slides will be posted on our website soon – after the DFG expert panel has assessed the eligibility of our proposal. With this workshop FAIRagro started a 3-part series. Two more workshops will follow on 14 October 2022 (topic: Use cases – which concrete challenges from the agrosystems community do we address and how can I use the results?) and in December (topic: “Information and participation opportunities – what form of consultation is there and how can I get involved?). We would like to thank all participants for their active interest and look forward to the following workshops.
FAIRagro in a nutshell
FAIR data supply in federated data ecosystems – challenges, concepts and opportunities
FAIRes Forschungsdatenmanagement: Werkzeuge, Frameworks und Leitlinien
FAIR – in aller Kürze unter die Lupe genommen
Further dates
14th October 2022, 10:30 – 14:00
Use cases – what specific challenges from the agrosystems community are we addressing and how can I use the results?
1st December 2022, 13-14:30
Information and participation opportunities – what form of consultation is available and how can I get involved?