Use Case (Pilot) 11

BrAPI Interation on PSI Hardware

The descrition of this use is following asap


IPK Gatersleben


The description of this Use Case is following asap

More Use Cases

Use case 1: Exploiting genotype × location × year × management interactions for sustainable crop production

Use case 2: Assessing tradeoffs for optimal crop nitrogen management

Use case 3: Streamlining pest and disease data to advance integrated pest management

Use case 4: Learning from incomplete data

Use case 5: Noninvasive phenotyping with autonomous robots

Use case 6: Automated data flows for crop simulation models

Use Case 7: Next Generation Environmental and eXtended Tools for Extreme Events & Plant Resilience Assessment (NEXT-Gen-EXPERT)

Use Case (Pilot) 8: Systematic Approaches for Efficient Data Synchronization in Horticultural Sciences (HortSEEDS)

Use Case (Pilot) 9: Increasing FAIRness of FAIRagro data through AI supported metadata enrichment


