BrAPI Interation on PSI Hardware
The descrition of this use is following asap
IPK Gatersleben
The description of this Use Case is following asap
More Use Cases
Use case 1: Exploiting genotype × location × year × management interactions for sustainable crop production
Use case 2: Assessing tradeoffs for optimal crop nitrogen management
Use case 3: Streamlining pest and disease data to advance integrated pest management
Use case 4: Learning from incomplete data
Use case 5: Noninvasive phenotyping with autonomous robots
Use case 6: Automated data flows for crop simulation models
Use Case 7: Next Generation Environmental and eXtended Tools for Extreme Events & Plant Resilience Assessment (NEXT-Gen-EXPERT)
Use Case (Pilot) 8: Systematic Approaches for Efficient Data Synchronization in Horticultural Sciences (HortSEEDS)
Use Case (Pilot) 9: Increasing FAIRness of FAIRagro data through AI supported metadata enrichment